Work History




PROFICIENCY: A results-oriented public health professional with over fifteen years of experience in Vaccine Preventable Disease (VPD) surveillance, including Environmental Surveillance (ES), routine immunization programs, large-scale Supplemental Immunization Activities (SIAs), Emergency preparedness and response, basic and advanced data management, and health system strengthening and capacity building at the district, national, and international levels. As strong communicator, researcher, and supervisor who has won others' trust and demonstrated technical and analytical abilities. The objective is to work in a challenging and rewarding environment where be able apply on academic knowledge, put the acquired skills and expertise to good use, and contribute to personal and organizational growth that matches worldwide standards. In addition, the national and international experience has given to the ability to understand diversity and work in multi-cultural environments that consider political and social concerns.


years of professional experience

Work History

Surveillance and Immunization Data manager

SOMALIA World Health Organization
07.2023 - Current

Supervisor Dr.Ali Bin Break

Duties and accomplishments:

  • Supporting harmonization of laboratory and case-based surveillance data at the national level with KEMRI lab
  • Prepare and manage line lists of AFP cases and contacts, and flag cases/contacts with delayed testing results for follow up and further action
  • Coordinate and facilitate communication/teleconference with State Surveillance Officers and other field colleagues
  • Support on follow-up of stool sample transportation from field to the KEMRI lab
  • Follow-up on all pending cases in KEMRI lab
  • Make Epidemiological analysis of polio, measles, and other VPDs data including collection, cleaning, compilation, analysis, dashboard development and visualization, GIS mapping
  • Conduct risk assessment (Assessed population immunity of the community, recent SIAs performance, population movement, social mapping, contact sampling, healthy children sampling, active case surveillance in the community, and household vaccination survey)
  • Develop and maintain easily accessible/user friendly databases to record and analyses data for monitoring surveillance indicators in the states
  • Ensure quality and coherence of the information received through surveillance exercises and clean update databases accordingly
  • Support and participate in field activities designed by the zone and partners to optimize surveillance activities
  • Provide regular feedback to the Zones and SSOs on surveillance quality issues and build capacity of national staff in data analysis, through formal and on-job training
  • Provide Support on data analysis activities during polio campaigns
  • Provide technical assistance to other activities as needed, including the district health information systems DHIS2 implementation, IF4 and utilization
  • Conduct extensive weekly data analysis on EPI/POLIO and measles
  • Support AFP case-based surveillance and outbreak response activities in Somalia and submit monthly and periodic programme reports and ensure the production of the EPI/POL weekly update
  • Improve accuracy, completeness and timeliness of recording and reporting of surveillance data and conduct regular data analysis on surveillance activities
  • Generate maps and charts for weekly EPI/POLIO update, Somalia health cluster reports, biannual reports, monthly Somalia situation reports and TAG reports
  • Oversee the data collection and analysis to monitor progress against active site visit plans according to established key performance indicators
  • Support the dissemination and use of updated EPI and surveillance data recording, reporting and monitoring tools
  • Support and promote data use for better decision-making at all levels to increase immunization coverage and equity
  • Perform any other related duties, as required by supervisors
  • Surveillance and Immunization Data specialist WHO
  • Devised and implemented reliable data management procedures to enable usability and security of company data.

Surveillance and Immunization Data Specialist

CDC Seconded To Somalia World Health Organization
07.2019 - 06.2023

Supervisors: Dr.Rennatus Mdoddo

Duties and accomplishments: -

  • Providing technical assistance to World Health Organization (WHO)-Somalia country office, EPI/Polio Program and Ministry of Health (MOH), on the National Emergency Operations Center (EOC) especially COVID-19 and the National Vaccines and Immunization Program (NVIP) for adequate implementation of Global Polio Eradication Initiatives (GPEI
  • Collaborating with UN agencies and other partners (UNICEF, CDC, BMGF) in strengthening coordination and partnerships towards strengthening vaccine-preventable disease (VPDs) surveillance and immunization systems in Somalia
  • Epidemiological analysis of polio, measles, and other VPDs data including collection, cleaning, compilation, analysis, dashboard development and visualization, GIS mapping
  • Provided technical support in response to multiple cVDPV2 and measles outbreaks in Somalia by implementing large-scale supplemental immunization activities (SIAs) in line with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), including but not limited to the following activities
  • Member and active participation in the outbreak response taskforce at national level
  • Supported timely notification and investigation of events/ outbreaks as per SOPs
  • Investigated the site of an isolate from environmental surveillance
  • Conducted risk assessment (Assessed population immunity of the community, recent SIAs performance, population movement, social mapping, contact sampling, healthy children sampling, active case surveillance in the community, and household vaccination survey)
  • Determining geographical scope of response
  • Macro and Micro-plan development including vaccine forecasting
  • Track preparedness for campaigns using the campaign preparedness checklist and updating pre-campaign dashboard
  • Attended regular coordination meetings on SIAs preparedness
  • Preparation of training materials, posters and IEC materials, mobile-based data collection and reporting tools using ODK
  • Support on delivery of trainings to vaccination teams and supervisors
  • Participate on field supervision during SIAs implementation
  • Real-time intra-campaign data analysis, Rapid Cluster Assessment data analysis, building real-time dashboards using MS Power BI, and providing daily progress feedback to the emergency operations center, vaccination teams, and other GPEI partners
  • Collaborated in evaluating quality of SIAs using Independent Monitoring (IM) and Lots Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) methodologies, training data collectors, field supervision, data analysis and present findings
  • Preparation of final administrative, IM and LQAS performances and share with GPEI partners
  • Coordination and participation of SIAs performance review meetings with national and district teams, and other partners
  • Reporting SIAs performance to WHO regional office using standard templates
  • Surveillance and immunization system strengthening and local capacity building
  • Collaborated in preparation/ adoption of national surveillance, SIAs, and emergency preparedness and response guidelines, SOPs, operational plans, training materials
  • Developed various standardized paper and android-based data collection and reporting tools
  • Collaborated and coordinated in delivery of various Training-of-Trainers (TOTs) and On-The-Job trainings (OJTs) on VPDs surveillance
  • Provided regular field supportive supervisions and mentorships to districts and health facilities
  • Developing surveillance operational work plans using M&E frameworks, defining indicators, setting targets, and budgeting
  • Ensuring availability of quality, timely, and complete surveillance, and emergency
  • Conducting quarterly polio and annual measles risk assessments, identification of high-risk population groups, develop mitigation and communication plans
  • Performing ad-hoc data analysis, preparation of technical reports and presentations, progress updates to program managers and officers and partners
  • Monitoring project inputs, outputs & outcomes related to polio eradication project management
  • Enhancing emergency data quality by monitoring timeliness and completeness, and information use for evidence-based planning, strategy development and decision making
  • Conducted epidemiological scientific studies on measles and AFP surveillance and published them in peer-reviewed international journals
  • Prepare and manage line lists of AFP cases and contacts, and flag cases/contacts with delayed testing results for follow up and further action
  • Collaboration in preparation of national strategic plans, surveillance and emergency preparedness and response guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), training materials, electronic data collection and reporting tools using ODK
  • Coordinate the process of data reporting from the field to the national program office, ensuring that data from AFP case investigation forms and vaccination coverage data from recently SIAs are received and compiled in a timely manner
  • Manage databases and develop well-designed data collection methodologies for the polio program
  • Participate in the development and introduction of new approaches and methods in vaccination campaign monitoring and evaluation
  • Support the development of presentations and analysis of data sets for program reviews
  • Provide guidance and support to staff in responding to data requests from partners
  • Analyze and evaluate data to ensure achievement of objectives and recommend corrective action, when necessary, to meet program objectives
  • Manage and utilize data gathered from other polio eradication activities, such as transit point vaccination and interventions targeting high-risk groups, to advice program staff on ways to improve poliovirus surveillance and vaccination coverage in areas that are partially or completely inaccessible for polio vaccination campaigns
  • Enhance data collection and analysis in outbreak and risk areas where activities can be more closely monitored
  • The data will be analyzed and correlated with the necessary interventions
  • Technical support to adequate implementation of Environmental Surveillance (ES)
  • Support Environmental surveillance desk at the ministry of health
  • Develop sample collection schedule and
  • Ensure timely collection, transportation, and arrival of ES samples to KEMRI
  • Developing electronic ES checklist using ODK tool
  • Facilitate ES data collection during ES sample collection and ensure successful ES
  • Data collection, cleaning, and analysis of ES key performance indicators on weekly
  • Basis and present feedback using ES dashboard and feedback to Regions and Districts
  • Support and participate on ES programmatic review meetings and desk reviews
  • Collaborated on development/ adaptation of ES guideline
  • Participate in the development of the polio data collection work plan and ensures compliance to specific assigned objectives
  • Providing technical support to the three Kenya national polio eradication committees which deliberate quarterly that are National Polio Experts Committee (NPEC) for AFP cases classification
  • Perform other activities as required by the WHO Somalia Polio Team Leader.

Data Manager (STOP Consultant)

WHO, World Health Organization
01.2017 - 06.2019

Supervisor Dr.Asma swahly

Duties and accomplishments

· Provide support on producing weekly update on EPI/POLIO weekly update.

· Support on data harmonization with KEMRI lab and AFP cases line list

· Provide on-the-job training and mentorship for data managers to strengthen data management processes and improve quality of SIA, surveillance, and routine immunization data.

· Support the development and implementation of Data Quality Improvement Plans (DQIP) in collaboration with MoH and partners’ agencies.

· Supported analysis of Performance of Measles surveillance on key indicators including Measles incidence rate and febrile and rash rate on regular basis.

· Supported on providing report for EMRO, GAVI and WHO/UNICEF JRF (joint reporting form) every quarter and year regularly.

· Support was provided on data collect, collate, manage, summarize, analyze, and present Administrative and monitoring data (including RI/LQAS, and DHIS2) from zones; transform data into narrative text, tables, maps, and graphics to enable review by partners and relevant stakeholders, to inform their recommendations for strategic planning and decision-making.

· Support was provided in collaboration with MOH and partners, participation in the preparation of the annual program of work, budget and evaluation reports of the GAVI HSS, including the participation in resource mobilization activities.

· Supported data managers to insure continues data cleaning, documentation and analysis at all levels Provide feedback on weekly AFP case reports coming from field by doing weekly data cleaning to see consistency of data.

· Supported on development of database working together EMRO and zonal data managers to develop SIA and TPV database revising and standardizing data collection tools. Also show techniques of importing and exporting of data to and from database, data cleaning and analysis techniques using simple query.

· Supported UNICEF-WHO coordination activities by supporting team leaders on facilitation of weekly joint UNICEF-WHO coordination video conference, collect zonal progresses on pending action points and present on VTC, Prepare updates on key activities indicators on polio and measles SIA and surveillance activities.

· Supported to improve accuracy, completeness and timeliness of recording and reporting of surveillance and immunization.

· Supported to improve data archiving, analysis, interpretation and use of surveillance and immunization data for evidence-based decision making and action by creating central program information repository, gathered data/information on current and previous year polio eradication activities from field and other sources and created central backup and similarly at zonal level.

· Conducted regular data analysis and generated maps and charts for weekly EPI/POLIO update, Somalia health cluster report, biannual report, monthly Somalia situation report and TAG report.

· Supported efforts to build coordination and collaboration between regional laboratory and WHO-Somalia regular coordination meeting to conduct data cleaning, to improve revers cold chain and sample transportation from field to the lab.

· Support was given on producing weekly updates and Pin charts and maps on key indicators for Surveillance, RI, Measles and SIA.

· Supported the Somalia polio Outbreak investigation mission and Supported follow-ups on implementation of TAG and OBRA mission recommendation.

· Supported SIA quality improvement activities by doing data cleaning and compilation, generating analytical report and documentation on LQAS activities and Tally sheet analysis.

· Supported AFP surveillance quality improvement initiatives by doing data cleaning and compilation and generating analytical report and documentation on VPV supervisions, AFP case validation and Zero dose investigations initiatives.

· Produce maps using Q-GIS on SIA and AFP cases distribution by district, by type and lifestyle, VPV and TPVP activities by location and AFP surveillance and reporting sites by district etc.

· Analysis of SIAs data (Administrative, Independent monitoring (IM) and Lots Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) data and providing feedback on districts who do not meet targets

· Develop data collection and analysis tools using epi-info to conduct AFP cases validation and zero-doze investigation survey.

· Supported on development of certification document by availing data and providing relevant source documents.

Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor,

CHALLENGE TB /KNCV Tuberculosis foundation
01.2015 - 04.2017

Supervisor Dr.Eshetu Abdissa

Duties and accomplishments

  • Participated and contributed on developing and implementing checklists for the challenge TB project baseline assessment and supported provided on data preparation including data cleaning, standardization, and analysis on TB program data
  • Provide TOT (Training of trainer) on TB program data quality and information use for regional health bureaus and zonal health departments
  • Supported on preparation of databases for data entry and analysis on the project baseline assessment and Prepared on Quarterly and Annually report from all project area
  • Conduct supportive supervision and produce reports and provide technical assistance to Zone, Woreda health workers and health facilities on a quarterly basis
  • And Plan and implement program data quality assessment on TB program
  • Provided mentoring TB officers in M&E to ensure quality of TB data and provided technical support for M&E staff through on the job training and coaching on regular bases
  • Provided technical support on indicator-based data analysis and measuring performance and assist regional health bureau with monitoring of performance zones and identify best performing and poorly performing (weak) zones on monthly, quarterly and annual basis
  • Participated and contribute on integrated supportive supervision with regional health bureau and other development partners and designed and implement routine data quality assessment tool on TB program
  • Participated in developing HMIS Audio visual material

Health Program Monitoring and Evaluation officer

Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health
01.2011 - 03.2015

Supervisor Mr.Habtamu Tesfaye

Duties and accomplishments.

  • Coordinate and implement routine data quality assessment on routine Health Management information system.
  • Plan and implement program data quality assessment on EPI, HIV, Malaria, TB and other communicable diseases data. and Design, implement, and manage an M&E system that will generate timely information and feedback to program stakeholders.
  • Develop plan of action for the development of strategic and annual planning of HMIS and M&E and Plan and perform trend analysis on EPI, HIV, Malaria, TB and other communicable diseases data.
  • Undertake operational research/ evaluation; collect, compile, and disseminate information for decision makers and different stakeholder.
  • Monitor, evaluate and document the implementation of the new health management information system, including reports on the achievements and hindrances to scale up of HMIS and M & E system.

· Undertaking M&E according to Federal ministry of health strategic plan and operational document requirements.

· Undertaking supportive supervision and producing reports and provide technical assistance to Zone, Woreda health workers and health facilities.

· Preparing monthly, quarterly, biannual, and annual FMOH program report and submit to Ethiopian house of representative, Prime Minister Office, and social clusters.

· Preparing and reviewing terminal report of directorates, agencies and RHBs for their performance and organized and facilitated training in reformed health management information system and community health information system for health workers and Prepared and facilitated the training on how to use information for decision making.

· Coordinate data collection and compilation process of annual health & health related indicator, quarterly health bulletin, manuscript and posters and Prepare health and health related indicators for publication.

· Facilitate annual review meeting, joint stream committee and quarterly review meeting in the ministry of health and participate on joint review meeting data collection and report writing

· Facilitate and organize in training of woreda planning for RHB health workers and Compile and aggregate routine data collection from all regions.

  • Facilitate administrative and financial matters and distribution of supplies in connection with the implementation reformed HMIS/M&E;

Administrative and Development Vice Dean

Aman Health Science College,
10.2006 - 10.2011

Suppervisor Mintesnote Kebede

Duties and accomplishments:

· Coordination on mobilizing and administering human resources, financial resources, and material resources.

· Creation of pleasant working environment for teaching-learning core process of the college

· Organize and strengthen educational and health research and study units to initiate, conduct and support research activities.

· Promote staff development and ensure the improvement of professional.

  • Participates in course scheduling and classroom space planning.
  • Serves as secretary of various academic committees of the College.
  • Primary liaison with deans, and other academic and division heads of the College


Master of Science - Health Informatics

Addis Ababa University
Addis, Ababa

Bachelor of Science - an Environmental health

Hawassa University
Hawassa, Ethiopia


  • Fully competent in computer word-processing, spread sheet, Power point, Microsoft project 2007, MsAccess and Internet
  • Fully competent in SPSS, EPI data, STATA, Ep info, Dev info, E-HMIS, QGIS and ArcGIS
  • Power BI, DHIS2, Monitoring and evaluation, Data analysis, Communication, team work


REFERANCES Dr.Ali Bin Break, EPI/ POL and Emergency WHO Somalia Coordinator Email: Mob: +252-636-637-374 MDODO, Rennatus, EPI/ POL Surveillance coordinator WHO Somalia E-mail: Mob: +254-706-409-262 Dr.Eshetu Abdissa, TB regional coordinator E-mail:


  • Fluent in English Tigrigna, Amharic (Ethiopian Local languages)
  • Timeline

    Surveillance and Immunization Data manager

    SOMALIA World Health Organization
    07.2023 - Current

    Surveillance and Immunization Data Specialist

    CDC Seconded To Somalia World Health Organization
    07.2019 - 06.2023

    Data Manager (STOP Consultant)

    WHO, World Health Organization
    01.2017 - 06.2019

    Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor,

    CHALLENGE TB /KNCV Tuberculosis foundation
    01.2015 - 04.2017

    Health Program Monitoring and Evaluation officer

    Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health
    01.2011 - 03.2015

    Administrative and Development Vice Dean

    Aman Health Science College,
    10.2006 - 10.2011

    Master of Science - Health Informatics

    Addis Ababa University

    Bachelor of Science - an Environmental health

    Hawassa University